SCI-MUSCLE HYPERBOLIC™ is with out doubt the purest form of anabolic protein available to date. HYPERBOLIC™ represents the next generation of protein constantly keeping your muscles flushed with the essential amino acids needed for hard, powerful muscle growth. HYPERBOLIC™ Protein delivers exactly what your muscles need. Each serving of HYPERBOLIC™ Protein is a precisely engineered formula designed with the sole purpose of force-feeding your muscles the type of anabolic amino acids necessary to fuel insane levels of muscle growth. Put simple, nothing compares to HYPERBOLIC™Protein.
All compounds used to formulate HYPERBOLIC™ have been carefully chosen to produce constant muscle growth. HYPERBOLIC™contains 5-Methyl-7-Methoxy-Isoflavone and 7-Isopropoxy-Isoflavone. They support steroid-like effects such as improved nitrogen retention and elevated protein synthesis (support greater protein synthesis at constant caloric intake), promotion of fat loss, modulation of the anti-catabolic effects of cortisol, regulation of cholesterol levels, and enhancement of endurance and recovery. This proven formula gives both a fast and substantiated release off muscle bursting amino acids whilst increase protein synthesis.
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