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SCI-MUSCLE CASEIN™ contains pure spray-dried Calcium Caseinate and Peptide Bonded Glutamine. It supports rapid, complete muscle recovery and is scientifically formulated to ensure an optimal, steady amino acid release into the body, without any bloating effects. Unlike whey, which is absorbed quickly in the body, Calcium caseinate is a protein extracted from the insoluble portion of milk and purified in a chemical process.


Calcium Caseinate can take up to four hours to digest. This makes calcium caseinate an excellent choice of protein right before bedtime, since it offers a slow, steady synthesis of aminos, promoting muscle mass. It has also been shown to be anti-catabolic. Preventing catabolism can create an optimum environment for muscle growth. The slow "timed release" effect of casein can significantly inhibit catabolic protein breakdown in the body, making it an ideal choice for your last meal before sleep or for breakfast to provide a steady stream of amino acids in the morning.



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